• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024



Jan 25, 2024

If you are into dating, the first thing you need to build with your client is his/her trust, Try all your possible best to make the client trust and believe you. If a client is doubting you, then you have a long way to go. Below, I have written the first trust message/format you will send to your client.

If you have a client online as a yahoo freelancer who is hustling online, you will know that it is challenging to build trust before billing. This is why I will show you in this post, the steps for the trust format for client, and how to use this format to win the trust of any client online.

Most clients are always skeptical of trusting people they meet online, because they fear being ripped. So, you will have to build trust to stand out from the crowd, and enjoy the benefit.

This trust format for client doesn’t work alone, as you will need other format, and billing too. I will explain all of them in this post. Get ready to apply all these information to your online hustle (HK), and learn to attract high-quality clients that you can bill for huge money.

This guide will show you my way of building trust with my clients, so that you can learn some of it.

How to Use Trust Format for Clients to Build Trust

These are the steps you should follow for the trust format. Trust me; it works if you apply them to your hustle, and modify a few things here and there to suit your purpose.

Use a verifiable picture 🖼:

The game has changed these days, and clients no longer care if you are white, black, or Asian. The world has evolved fast, and nobody cares about your skin colour or race.

When you are signing up on platforms, it is advisable to use a verifiable picture, so that when clients visit the platform, they can be comfortable having a discussion with you and getting to know you better.

In recent experiments I have done, I used the picture 🖼 of my black friend to sign up on platforms, including dating platforms, and I was able to attract a lot of clients that later helped me when I billed them.

For this trust format alternative, you don’t need to start impersonating anybody. It will cause complications for you in the long term and you won’t enjoy the full benefits.

Use a Dope Picture 🖼:

While using a verifiable picture, remember that the picture has to be top-class or high-quality. You don’t want to put a picture of you looking like a rag star and expect clients to take you serious.

Most of the clients you meet will be interested in dating, so you have to present yourself properly. Clients are looking for quality lovers or business partners, so the idea here is that you have to present yourself and look pretty sharp❗ That’s part of the rules in this trust format for client.

Male/Female Gender is Fine:

Well, it is easier to use the female gender; maybe you can use your sister’s image to sign up on the platform. If you don’t look good, and you are using your sister’s picture or that of a friend, it is advisable to let them know that you are using their picture, so that it doesn’t result to impersonation.

Also, whatever you are relating to the client, you have to let your sister know, or whoever you are using their picture.

The idea is to keep them informed, in case the client wants a video call, or the platform needs to carry out some verification.

Talk about your Job Lightly:

Talking about your job as an investor or business person will make your client feel safe with you.

It will make them have rest of mind that you aren’t a liability and you have something going on for yourself. As a freelancer or hustler, presenting yourself as a business person is better. That way, your client will know that you have a life and can sustain yourself without being a liability to them.

“I own a business called {insert a name}. We help companies develop content for their online campaigns and sales processes. What about you?”

Then you quickly turn the discussion back to them. If you talk about your business repeatedly, it would seem like a red flag and not a good idea.

Be available for your client:

Be available for your client is another step in this trust format for client. Continuous communication tends to make people grow fond of each other. So, the moment you continually communicate with your client, trust grows and deepens between you.

But the idea is not to overdo it, because that will show that you don’t really have a life for yourself.

So, you have to create a balance between having time to discuss with your client, being available for them, and disappearing once in a while.

Be curious to know about your client:

This is the stage where you want to know more about your client. You want to know what they do, how they operate, and every piece of information that will help build trust between you.

Knowing more about this information will also help you to know the type of billing format to use on the client.

Send your client gifts:

This should be done after you have used the love ♥ and trust format for client. That way, you know if they are interested in something deeper or not. If they are interested, then you can proceed with this step in the trust format to build further trust.

You might also give your client presents like flowers, or coffee as a friend you’re getting to know. You can buy these small gifts in a place like Esty, where they can just ship to his/her location directly. Alternatively, you might assist your client with any minor chores they are working on.

Most white women, and even some men, are very influenced by small gifts, and they will be more likely to trust you as a result of that. Thus, if you’re wondering what might be in the trust agreement for the client, I will advise you to learn how to give small presents to your customers. It will assist when you tell them that you brought gold into the nation since they will be more inclined to believe you.

I can also buy, and send these gifts 📦 🚚 to your clients 🆑 if you want.

Present business ideas for billing:

Since you have known more about your client using the previous step in the trust format for client, it is time to use the first step to bill.

If your client is rich, then you can present some business ideas to them. It could be any type of business, including drop shipping, bitcoin investments, importation and exportation.

You can think of any business idea that makes your client invest in you. This is the second to last step in the trust format for yahoo.

Use a billing format:

If the business idea/plan does not go well with your client, you can use another billing format.

Assuming your client loves to invest, you can decide to use the investment billing format.

If your client is someone who loves to give to charity, then you can use the food stuff billing format to bill them.

In the case that your client loves you so much and he/she is already head over heels for you, then you can use the celebrity billing format to make them sponsor you.

The idea is to find a good format that goes well with what your client loves. That way, every other thing becomes easier.

Trust Format for Client to Invest:

Hello Dear,

I hope all is well/okay with you. I wanted to talk to you about a business I believe you might find interesting. You will be a fantastic business partner if we were to create an importation company together.

The plan is to import distinctive goods of the highest calibre from other nations and market them locally in my location. I’ve already done some research, and I think our region has a solid market for these kinds of goods.

I am aware that investing in a new business can be unsettling, but I think there is a good chance of making money from it. The best part is that, we can make it happen by working together. I believe we would work well together. I have done something like this before, and it worked out pretty well till I had other engagements.

Right now, I will love to start, and bring you on board. Once you invest, we start together and draw up an agreement to proceed.

If you’re interested in finding out more, let me know, and how we can get started.
Looking forward to your response❗


So, you will have to choose the trust format for client that you want. You can use the trust format for hookup or the trust format for client to invest in your business idea.

Depending on the one you intend to use, the process is basically the same. Follow my steps, and visit this website to learn about other different formats and how to make more money from them.

By YahooBoy

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